
This list contains every professional position I've ever held. I'm still a student so it's a small list right now 😅.

HotSauce Technologies

Support Technician

Aug 2022 - Present

I help HotSauce clients through technical difficulties with their POS system. Some examples include credit card processing issues, networking errors, and database management using Microsoft SQL Server.



May 2022 - Present

I serve on the board of IKMIA's youth division. IKMIA is a 501(c) cultural and religious nonprofit organization that seeks to promote Indonesian culture in the greater Atlanta area. As President of the youth division, I organize and execute youth-focused events as well as coordinate with the larger IKMIA organization on shared plans.

Hansel & Gretel Bakery Cafe

Service Worker

Jan 2022 - May 2022

I was tasked with a variety of responsibilities including operating the POS, making and serving drinks and dessert items, managing our inventory, and ensuring cleanliness of both public facing and private facilities.


This is my current tech stack. As things change I will keep it updated! For a more in depth look at why I swap things in and out, check out my

Main Web Stack

TypeScript logoTypeScriptLanguage
SvelteKit logoSvelteKitMeta Framework
Next.js 13 logoNext.js 13Meta Framework
React logoReactUI Library
Tailwind logoTailwindUI Library
Svelte logoSvelteUI Library
Vite logoViteMiscellaneous

Other Technologies

Python logoPythonLanguage
Java logoJavaLanguage
JavaScript logoJavaScriptLanguage
C# logoC#Language
Firebase logoFirebaseDatabase
Microsoft SQL logoMicrosoft SQLDatabase